Friday, July 25, 2008

Blogger ... maybe?

I really like to write. To share little stories and have a creative outlet.  I love to read others' blogs and would like to be part of the blogging community, but I'm not sure if I'll have the stick-to-it-iveness to follow through. I'm going to try though, because I just want to.  There aren't a ton of things in life that we get to do just because we want to. Face it, we don's always go to work because we want to. I don't clean my house because I want to, more like I have to. Even cooking, an activity I generally enjoy, is not something I always want to do. So, I am hoping that this blog simply stays as something I want to do. 

I chose the title, Joyful by Intention, not because I necessarily am joyful by intention, but I want to be. When I think about the blessings of God, I think one of the best is Joy. Of course the greatest is love, the Bible tells us that. But for me, love has brought joy and things outside of just love bring joy too. What I love about joy is that it is a different word from happiness. Joy is not tied into having everything perfect or being in a great mood.  Joy is a frame of mind and a decision, or intention as it would be. I am sure on this blog I will complain, I will talk about how rough times can be in my perfect little American world, I will be far from perfect. But overall, I want to strive for a life that is filled with joy by intention. Joy from seeking moments and joy from seeking God.

So today I am home from work sick, nasty cold/sinus infection of some sort? Sinus headache I just can't shake. So as soon as I wrap this up I'm going to go take a very hot shower with a little shower soothers lavender/mint thing I bought in the hope that it will clear my sinuses. Then maybe I'll curl up with my puppies and take a little nap. So I guess this is the intro to my blog, and we'll see where it goes from here :)

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